Mission & Vision
-Anticipating and meeting customer needs by offering a variety of high quality guaranteed products,
according to their circumstances and purchasing power.
-Complete all categories with items, within the portfolio of each production program.
-Serious employer who motivates employees to work and achieve maximum results.
-Excellent business partner who adapts to any situation in relation to customers, suppliers and partners.
-Responsibility to the environment, society and the community where it operates and beyond.
-Acknowledgments to shareholders, associates, employees, suppliers and all other partners who directly
or indirectly affect the success of the Company and maximize profits.
-To strengthen our position as a producer of quality food and hygiene products. To expand even more in Kosovo, region and beyond.
-To enrich the portfolio even more and to invest in other production lines.
-To ensure the sustainability of production by ensuring all markets where we are currently present, as
well as to expand even more in the country, region and beyond.